Los Angeles 310-988-6575
Orange County 949-873-4551
Fashion Photographer LA
David Victory

Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County

13 09, 2022


By |2024-10-28T19:13:58-07:00September 13th, 2022|Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Perception is a state of mind that determines how you see, understand, and define anything. It is simply the ability to think about our environment. Everyone in this world thinks differently. Even I have a different sense of assuming the environment.

12 09, 2022


By |2022-09-08T04:44:44-07:00September 12th, 2022|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County, Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles|

Social media is an effective instrument that individuals may use to interact and exchange original ideas. Socialists also use social media to spread their message because it is free and easy to use.

11 09, 2022


By |2022-09-15T03:56:29-07:00September 11th, 2022|Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

The demand for high-quality pictures is increasing day by day. A good photograph is better than a hundred words. A defined picture easily tells everything you cannot express by your comment.

9 09, 2022


By |2022-09-10T04:11:18-07:00September 9th, 2022|Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

If you are looking for the best fashion photographer in Los Angeles, I do not know who is the best fashion photographer in Los Angeles. Fashion photographers can offer you the best quality pictures and a captivating service.

26 08, 2022

Sneak peek: Top Fashion Photographer’s Secrets to Success

By |2022-08-26T11:03:10-07:00August 26th, 2022|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County, Fashion Photographers in Los Angeles|

In any industry, a few stand out from the rest. They are the ones who have mastered their craft and achieved a level of success that others can only dream of.

31 12, 2019

Best Fashion Photographers In Los Angeles Review Of The Reviews

By |2022-08-28T12:21:07-07:00December 31st, 2019|Fashion Photographers in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Fashion Photographer, Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Best Fashion Photographers in Los Angeles “Google made more than 3,200 changes to its algorithms in 2018” reports Wall Street Journal. At this rate of juggling nobody knows what search results are relevant tomorrow morning let alone next month, this secretive sauce of numerological alchemy is closely guarded, lest Bing, Yahoo, Yandex and Baidu [...]

3 08, 2017

Trojan Horse Assistants – When Your Assistant Wants To Become You

By |2022-04-01T03:29:03-07:00August 3rd, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Trojan Horse Assistants Each photographer is different for a reason, as each human being is different. We are all unique, and that is one of out selling points. That one does not entirely think the same way someone else does.  Which is why each photographer has something unique to offer. However, things change when [...]

2 08, 2017

Misfire, Misfocus, and Misfortune – The M3 That Can Ruin A Shot

By |2022-04-09T13:50:09-07:00August 2nd, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Misfire, Misfocus, and Misfortune There are times when you are in the perfect mood, and you feel you will get the best shot, as you are excited and pumped and all ready. However, life does not pan out as we wish at times, and the one thing that can completely ruin my day is [...]

29 06, 2017

Creative Differences – Eyes of The Beholder – Fashion Photographer vs Client

By |2022-08-27T09:22:52-07:00June 29th, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Creative Differences - Fashion Photographer vs Client Creative differences are quite common in my line of work. As there are times when the clients is explaining something and my imagination starts running wildly in one direction, while his/hers is on a completely different track. There have been times when creative differences were so strong [...]

28 06, 2017

Success Comes For Being Yourself – How Fashion Photographer’s Struggle

By |2022-04-14T12:16:24-07:00June 28th, 2017|Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Success Comes For Being Yourself I have been working as a professional fashion photographer for some time now, but it was not always this way. There was a time when like some of you, I was just starting out my career. At that point in life I had just one goal, and that was [...]

Fashion Photographer Los Angeles & Orange County Video Production

Starting in 2024! David Victory One Of The Top Fashion photographers in Los Angeles | Worldwide Dropship Your Clothing, Apparel & Fashion to our Studios for Fashion Photography in Los Angeles.

Check out the LA Fashion Photography Gallery and Contact us With Your Orders for Fashion, Product, Ecommerce, Lookbook, Advertising, Modeling, Portfolio, Advertising Campaigns, Editorial and Lifestyle Photography in LA & OC.

VRset Marketing Video Production

Los Angeles & Orange County Marketing Video Production, VRset Produces Fashion Marketing Videos and Professional Photography for Clients in OC, LA and Worldwide.

Consultation with first time clients is free, and we can meet you personally in Orange County and Los Angeles.

Your marketing video will be produced with the same expertise and equipment we use for top brands such as Microsoft