Today, Instagram is the hot spot for images and videos, as it has allowed numerous amateur photographers to create an imaginary kingdom. Yes, they have hundreds and thousands of followers from all around the world, who just love photography. But in the end, how does it benefit them? There is no doubt that they have successfully created a digital kingdom for themselves, and are all the rage on Instagram. But my question is, where does it lead these photographers?
Because these followers will not pay the bill, or for the new cameras, lens, equipment, etc. It might be a great way to showcase your skills or natural abilities as a photographer, but does it help you bring in money? Even if you are doing it as a hobby, do you not wish for it to grow and become a permanent thing? I am sure having thousands of followers is amazing, and being told you are a great photographer helps you keep going. But my question stands, to what extend?
[pullquote] If you like others are simply in it to gain followers, and be praised by people all around the world, then you are wasting the entire experience in my opinion. [/pullquote]
Majority of the world today uses Instagram, it is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. It stands apart, because all you can share are images and videos. And I have no doubt in my mind that it is a great platform to promote yourself, and your services. But most of these photographers with “Imaginary Kingdoms” are simply sharing videos and photos and I do not see them offering services. As most of them have these images on without a watermark, so people could just keep them.
I would like to suggest, that even if it’s just a hobby, and you are doing it because you love it. You should at least mark your images. As one day you might wish to sell these images or use them in a professional capacity. If you have marketed yourself enough and are on the of your game why not offer your services? Just think about it, as it will help you fund your passion at the least. And one day if you are lucky, you will be able to live your passion everyday. Come to think of it, Instagram is a great place for new photographers who wish to make it big. And are driven by passion, then I am sure you can do wonders. And creating a digital and imaginary kingdom might help you someday.
But that is if you plan to use your skills and abilities. If you like others are simply in it to gain followers, and be praised by people all around the world, then you are wasting the entire experience in my opinion. Because then in reality all you have is an imaginary kingdom. We might live in an era of imaginary photographers, but it is entirely up to you on how you wish to take it. Do you wish to be a well known Instagram “celebrity”, or do you actually wish to make a career out of your passion and skills.