Artistic License

In my personal opinion as a professional fashion photography, our industry allows fashion photographers complete artistic license. But only at their own expenses. Yes, there are times when a client’s asked you to take the artistic lead, but the same client will not so silent voice our their concerns.

Which is why I feel the only way for a complete artistic license as a fashion photographer is on your own dime. As each and every aspect of your shoot will be decided and covered by you. This concept is easy, but not everyone will understand it. Some will argue against using their own money, but in my personal opinion, it is the best way to go. So let me explain why.

[pullquote] There is no other human who will believe in you, if you do not believe in yourself. So if you do, and feel that artistic license will allow you to blaze your path, then go ahead full speed. [/pullquote]

When a client hires you, it’s because they have heard about your work, or most probably seen some work you have covered for another client. This automatically means, that they have a set image in their head, and wish for you to follow that mind set. I have had clients who have given me each detail to the last dot on how the want the shoot, and I have also had clients who have sprung crazy ideas on me at the last minute. There were even times when I was so close to exercising my artistic license completely when the client asked for some adjustment.

These things can happen for a number of reasons, and the main reason is because the client wants to be involved in the process. As fashion photography is intriguing, it is easy for me to understand their appeal. But what they don’t see, is that they are the barrier between my skills, and my artistic license. So if you are really looking for a way to use your fashion photography to blaze your path, then you will need to invest in yourself.

Lamborghini Ferrari Bentley Beverly Hills Villa Behind Scene Orange County Los Angeles Fashion Photographer

In my eyes there is nothing wrong with investing in yourself, as many great fashion photographers have done it. As it is the only practical way to put your ideas into reality. There is no other human who will believe in you, if you do not believe in yourself. So if you do, and feel that artistic license will allow you to blaze your path, then go ahead full speed. Depending on your idea, and your budget, you can easily pull off what your inner artist is craving.

Every time I have a classic idea, I do not wait for a client to approve it. I simply go ahead and invest in myself. As I know my worth, and know my abilities are worth the money. I do not need the backing of a client to produce outstanding results. To be honest, that is how I have blazed my path. Simply by believing in myself. So now the question is, do you believe in yourself?

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