Today blogging is seen as an easy way to stardom, as there are so many famous bloggers. Most people think it is an easy thing and can be achieved overnight. How hard can it be? Writing down your thoughts, and giving out a message that matters, and is true. In reality, it’s quite challenging. As what I do as a fashion photographer is take images that tell a story, and what bloggers do is tell a story using words alone, and then add meaning using an image or two.

The concept of blogging is not new, but today the niche is so overcrowded with the same content that has been around for years, that it is hard to see why they exist.If you are giving out the exact same information and suggestions that others before you have given, I would suggest you pick another topic. Even if you just look at the photography blogs you will be able to find an endless list of people who are posting the same information over and over again, some of them are professional photographers, and others are just really passionate about photography, or feel like it’s a nice niche to write about.

Where there is nothing wrong with blogging about photography, I fail to understand why so many people are continuously posting the same things. Because I feel that blogging should be something fun and interesting, with a little insight. Just by telling things thousand of institutions offer, you cannot expect to gain fame as a photographer.

[pullquote] You will have to work hard, be dedicated, offer quality work over the course for years, and finally, when you have offered original content for years, you will be considered as someone who is making headway in the industry.[/pullquote]

Another important aspect to note is that you cannot simply start a blog and expect to be famous with time. Think about what you are offering, is it different? Does it help others? Is it to the point? For instance, if you are a basic photographer, and you decide to take on the fashion industry just because you want to be famous, then believe me when I tell you simply entering the industry will not make you famous.You will have to work hard, be dedicated, offer quality work over the course for years, and finally, when you have offered original content for years, you will be considered as someone who is making headway in the industry.

And it is not only about photography or blogging, it is really about any industry you can name. You cannot simply enter the industry and take over.You have to work for it for years, and then when your time comes you will be able to make your way to the top. But if you keep on offering the same things others before you have done, or a thousand others are going.You won’t be able to make it anywhere, let along the top. So if you really want to be famous by blogging pick a niche that you have experience in, something that you can easily talk about. If you are a photographer, I suggest you rather share your personal experience that could help others, rather than offering information people already have access to.