Tethered Fashion Photography

If you are looking to achieve a creative collaboration then tethering is essential. As I work as a professional Tethered fashion photographer, I need to manage the talented artists I work with, so the best possible results can be achieved. Every single member of my team works to bring together the image I have envisioned. It is not an easy task, but it can be managed if your team is connected together.

When you are working on a commercial set tethering is a requirement, as is allows your team to see the images live, so they do not have to stand around your camera and take turns to look at the outcome.This way they will be able to easily see what is going on, and how they can manage their part in a better manner.

[pullquote] I am chained to my camera, meaning that I am unable to run around the get the things done. Which is why I have hired professionals who can help make the process smooth, and get the shoot done within the perfect way possible.[/pullquote]

Which means everyone from your makeup artist to your model will be able to see each shot before you move onto the next one. This way if there are any issues, or if you have to explain something to anyone in the team, you can easily offer them visual aid and point out the issue.This is an easy and effective method, that really allows you to get the most out of your shoot. As the point man, I am chained to my camera, meaning that I am unable to run around the get the things done.Which is why I have hired professionals who can help make the process smooth, and get the shoot done within the perfect way possible.

Tethering allows for the perfect solution, as it allows you to move around freely, so you can take the shots you feel will look best.Having a free range is a great advantage, as it allows you to cover more ground, and play around freely without having to worry about anything. As the extension cable offers a large range, I can easily move to great ends and capture the perfect image.Instead of trying to make it work with the space I have. This way my creativity does not get pulled back, and I can produce amazing shots.

Keeping up with technology is not essential, but it can offer you great advantages over the long run. Which is why as a professional fashion photographer feel the need to take on as much of technology as possible.As it really helps me get the most out of my shoots and helps make the process effective and efficient. Which means I can easily get done in less time, and produce better results.

So if you feel your ideas are limited due to the range you are being offered, then try the tethering technology. It is a great addition to your collection, and it will allow you to get better results each time. So think of it as an investment rather than an expense, as it will help you save time and money. So keep yourself unleashed, and cover as much as you possibly can.