My Life as a Professional Fashion Photographer

I often get questioned by people I meet about my life as a fashion photographer, and it has happened so much recently that I decided I would answer the most common question I have been asked by potential clients and acquaintances.

One of the most common questions is “What I love most about being a professional fashion Photographer?”

To be honest, the best part is that it never feels like work. My life as a fashion photographer is not about working hard to make it, it’s all about living and reliving my dream over and over again.

I am lucky enough to have achieved exactly what I wanted to, and my I believe it was my passion that allowed me to come so far. So every day is a new day, and I get to be passionate at work, which is amazing. As I see so many others who are working in industries because they have to, I am glad that I want to. And honestly, I don’t think anyone can forcefully work in the fashion industry especially, as passion is what drives most of us.

[pullquote] I did not want to wake up every day and feel “oh my god, another day”. And thank God, there has not been a single day when I had to drag myself out of bed and take myself the “work”. [/pullquote]

Another question that comes across often is “What do you cover as a fashion photographer?”

This is another thing, most people feel that fashion photography is just about taking pictures at fashion shows, or shoots, but there is so much more. Clearly I speak for myself, as I feel there is beauty in so much more. Which is why, apart from covering the fashion industry, which includes fashion shows, model photography, concept photography, apparel photography, etc. I also cover real estate photography and video production. It allows me to offer a much greater service, and allows me to play with rules from different aspects of photography. For instance, I love adding some touches here and there, and just to mix some techniques. Which is why I feel people tell me that my real estate photography is beautiful in a different way. Like it offers so much more to the eye, then just normal snaps of real estate.

I have often been asked “Do you work with a team?”

In simple words, my answer is yes. It is impossible for me to work alone. My life as a fashion photographer includes an assistant, hair stylists, makeup artists, and set crew. There is nothing I can do alone, as I need the help of other professionals to reach my end goal.

I saved my favorite question for last “What made you become a fashion photographer?”

Becoming a fashion photographer came later, as I did not even know as a kid that there are categories. When I was a kid, my camera was my prized possession. I love it, I took it everywhere and I wanted to photograph everything. For me it was a way to keep down memories of things I loves, or things I wanted to remind myself of. The part of my life as a fashion photographer came later in my career when I had learned the basics. I played around with a few areas, as I wanted to make sure that I pick the perfect one. I did not want to wake up every day and feel “oh my god, another day”. And thank God, there has not been a single day when I had to drag myself out of bed and take myself the “work”. This lifestyle doesn’t work for me, it’s all about pleasure and complete fun.

I hope there help you get a better look at my life as a fashion photographer. And to help you get a better insight in the life of a fashion photographer.