[pullquote]Whether you are a broker, home owner or developer with real estate in Orange County for sale, you want to market the OC real estate for maximum exposure and value by using the best real estate photographers in Orange County[/pullquote]
With millions of dollars exchanged at every turn Orange County real estate is a high stakes market. Why would an OC real estate property for sale not hire the best real estate photographers in Orange County?
Foreign buyers are an important segment of the Orange County real estate market and how else would the buyers in Moscow, Dubai, London or Shanghai get an ipad tour of Orange County real estate photography, especially yours?
The cost, or rather investment you make in producing a website and OC real estate photography portfolio not only increases the chances of selling the OC property sooner but actually increases the value of these properties, more exposure equals more buyers equals more offers…you figure the rest. The top real estate photographers in Orange County makes you money and costs you none.
It’s like selling perfume, who buys a plain label perfume in a clear bottle? Half the allure of marketing is the sizzle. Ok we all agree that Orange County real estate requires the best photographers to shoot great photo galleries of these amazing properties and help close the deals, and much faster than a single pretty shot on zillow.
The best real estate photographers in Orange County must have these top 10 qualifications:
Top 10 Qualifications Best Real Estate Photographers in Orange County Have 1
Because the camera doesn’t create the real estate photographs, the photographer does.
1- Be a classically trained corporate video production companies in orange county.
Is the photographer professionally schooled or is he a wedding photographer looking for side work?
2- Have experience photographing real estate in Orange County.
How else does the Orange County real estate photographer know the best angle for property-A if he has not photographed several property-A types? Experience is the one ingredient money can not buy.
3- Bring out professional equipment to photograph OC real estate.
This is where your iPhone camera does not cut it, Your photographs need more than megapixel, they need fidelity. Top cameras and lenses distinguish the pros from amateurs. What post production equipment is the OC real estate photographer using? Does he use Lightroom to “photoshop” your photographs to perfection? Can he handle multiple changes rapidly?
4- Spend the extra time to photograph your OC real estate right.
You just can not run and gun through a ten room mansion in OC, and on to the next one. If the OC real estate photographer is in a rush, your photo gallery will show it. A pro photographer will bring out his best on every real estate shoot because he has a reputation to defend, and that requires patience and a tripod, no hand holding.
5- Create online photo galleries that are Mac, PC and touch device compatible.
A flash gallery will not do it anymore. The best real estate photographers in Orange County have the ability to produce iPhone, ipad, android, Mac, PC compatible real estate photo galleries so everyone can see your property anytime, anywhere without annoying and deal busting errors. Do not accept a zip folder full of .jpg images which you then have to upload to photobucket or Facebook by yourself.
6- Dedicated and privately hosted web domain for the OC real estate photography gallery.
Having your own .com/AspenMansion is a lot more impressive than http://www.picassa.com/
7- Shoot RAW format photography.
It gets a bit technical but for quality reasons do not accept in-camera .jpg photography. Once the shoot is done you can ask for a lot more tweeking to be done to RAW format photography after the fact. .jpg photos are easier for the photographer to manage and take up a fraction of hard drive space, but lack “dialing in” that perfect look you want. Lower grade cameras do not shoot RAW at all.
8- Choose the right time of day for the right areas and angles to photograph OC real estate.
This is the same as photographing a model’s good side. Especially for larger Orange County real estate photography you must not only shoot the right angle but the right time of day for optimal lighting. Do not accept an Easterly facing property facade being shot against the afternoon sunset.
9- Boost lighting the spaces that need illumination, filtering out skies and areas that are harshly lit or glared out.
A professional real estate photographer will balance out high contrast natural lighting with graduated glass filters as well as a polarizer filters to keep the sky and glaring reflections in check. Not getting technical here, but just ask the OC real estate photographer what filters he carries in his kit, any?
10- Shooting HDR.
High dynamic range photography is the marque of the top real estate photographers in Orange County. The big boys will refuse to shoot anything but RAW and HDR, you will hear the OC photographer’s camera click 3-5 times in motor drive when he captures specific slices of lighting with each frame and then fuse these shots together in post for the ultimate in natural real estate photography look. With HDR each real estate photograph will be perfectly balanced and exposed even when shot in less than optimal lighting conditions. Not to be mistaken with your iPhone camera’s HDR setting. HDR is a lot of extra work during photography and post production but minimizes many lighting requirements due to virtual “dial-in” lighting in post production capabilities.
Now who you’re gonna call?! there are many “best” real estate photographers in Orange County but you only need the one top OC real estate photographer who offers you expert, artistic and dedicated service which makes him a keeper.