Image – Fashion Photography is in Demand Forever

Someone asked me what would I do if the trends changed and fashion photography was not longer required, clearly stating that I would be out of business. And i just stood there looking at his face, waiting for him to understand that photography is in demand, and it will always be.

It is not something you can replace, it is something you can grow on. For instance, the camera will get more compact, the lens size will become more sleek. But you cannot just disregard them.  If we look at the history of cameras, we can see that they gave gotten better, and more technological over the years, and the thought that a world without cameras will exist. They are added to most technology we use today, as they care necessary for capturing images, so you do not have to use words, or your artistic skills, like our ancestors did.

[pullquote] Then there is no need for me or any other fashion photographer to worry, as fashion photography is in demand, and its demand just keeps growing. [/pullquote]

I do not understand how such an easy concept is so hard to understand for most people. Think about it, what would you do if cameras did not exist. How will you document a moment?  How you express your feelings? Will you ask someone to travel for miles just so you can show them your new car? Speaking of cars, they are much similarly in the same developing industry.

And the next step is flying cars. And as we already have camera drones, I suggest me and other photographers are in good hands when it comes to our careers. Because like I said, photography is in demand, and will be for as long as people wish to capture moments, ideas, and other important events. What really bothered me about that particular conversation was the fact, that how could someone disregard such an important discovery. Maybe because you were born in the age of technology, but think about the people who weren’t.

Those people will be able to tell you how cameras have grown, and developed over the years. How each year the technology used in the camera gets better, and how they keep on growing on small mistakes. Trying to get a step ahead of their competitors. So do you feel such huge industries would exist if the camera had no future?

Models Greg Greco Taelyr Robinson Fashion Stylist Sean Panella Makeup Artist Marina Dubrovina Hair Stylist Jill Zegarski Ermitage Hotel Orange County Los Angeles Fashion Photographer

The thing that needs to be made clear is that photography is in demand, and it has been in demand since its inception. It might not have been affordable for all back then, but it was still in demand.  And if we begin to talk about Fashion photography, then I would like to say, that as long as people wish to shop for clothes, especially in such a fast paced world where things are moving online.  Then there is no need for me or any other fashion photographer to worry, as fashion photography is in demand, and its demand just keeps growing.