There is a time period when you start working as a professional fashion photographer, and you feel that all you get is cheap clients. It is not something beneath you, as everyone has to start from the bottom. However, many of you might just straight out say no to them, but I suggest you never say never. As I hear many new photographers saying they would “never” take on cheap clients, and only offer their services to high class clients. The thing is, you need to make yourself worth enough for those clients. You might have the skills, but you have yet to prove them.

Which is why for the time being, I feel there is no point in saying no to cheap clients, as they will help you pay bills. Keep in mind that it does not matter if they are cheap, the point is to get clients in the door. And one of the greatest advantage is that you get to make a name for yourself when you start working. It does not matter if your client is cheap or not, what matters is that you are getting clients. What would you rather have? Clients that help you stay afloat, or no clients at all?

[pullquote] As becoming a successful fashion photographer is not about making the most money, or having the longest client list. [/pullquote]

The choice is simple really, there is no point in saying no when they are paying. It might not have been what you expected, but to be honest the first few months can be heard for a new professional fashion photographer. As you need to build a clientele, and work from there. There is no reason why clients will leave other photographers and pick you.

So keep in mind that this is your training period, it is the perfect time to prove yourself to your potential clients. So instead of saying no, say yes. As this way you will be able to get the hang of things and learn what the professional life is all about. Because they teach you all about photography in school, but they do not teach you how to start up your photography business. You are all on your own on that one.

So take it from someone what has been doing this for a long time now. Getting started will not be easy, but you will get there. And once the ball start rolling, it will never stop as long as you are committed, and dedicated to your passion. As becoming a successful fashion photographer is not about making the most money, or having the longest client list. It’s about staying true to what you love, and taking on clients that offer you a challenge.

You might have to deal with a fair amount of cheap clients in the beginning, but it depends on you entirely. How you take those experiences, and how you let them shape your future. As each experience is different, either you can let it get you down, or let it inspire you to do better.