Bringing Paper Backdrops to Shoot at Client’s Location vs Studio

When you are working on a set budget you simply cannot get running things the way you usually do, as you are required to keep your expenses in check. Booking a studio easy, but it does cost you more than a personally owned space. Which is why you really have to think about going plastic or paper. Which is the better option? Brining backdrop to the shoot at clients location or booking a studio.

The decision is not easy to make as there is an entire process that goes into booking a studio, and it costs more money. On the other hand, you simply have to drive with your equipment to your client’s place and put up the backdrop. Either way, you have a decision to make, as you will be required to set up completely at the client’s place.

[pullquote]When you are looking to cut corners and save some extra money you will be tempted to go with bringing paper backdrops to your client’s space and cover the shoot there. In addition, this allows the client to be more comfortable in the space, and it allows you to take better images. [/pullquote]

When you are looking to cut corners and save some extra money you will be tempted to go with bringing paper backdrops to your client’s space and cover the shoot there. In addition, this allows the client to be more comfortable in the space, and it allows you to take better images. As the studio is a new place for them, they might take time to adjust to the setting, and the process could take longer than usual. This is because you will have to take out the time to help them settle in, and the process will just feel dragged. Whereas, when you working at their home, they will walk around in complete confidence and will be able to offer you a great deal more natural emotion. Moreover, you can easily use their belongings as props.

On the other hand when you are working in a studio you the fashion photographer are an advantage, as the studio is your arena. And you feel like you are in control. In addition, you do not have to worry about setting up the backdrop, and you get complete control over lighting. As lighting matters a great deal when it comes to fashion photography, you need to understand why you are required to get the perfect lighting. Moreover, the studio is neutral territory and offers you a great advantage.

However, the choice really comes down to you, and what you feel is the best way for you to go ahead with the shoot. As you can easily go either with shooting at their home, save money and get them in a better headspace. Or you can go to a studio and have a better footing there, so you know you will be able to get better shots. So what it really comes down to is your gut feeling, you have met your client, you know what they are like. What does your gut feeling tell you? Should you go with paper or plastic? What do you think is the better option here?