Someone once told me that the size of the lens the fashion photographer is using determines the size of their ego. Yes, that person had no clue that I was a fashion photographer, and was just sitting and admiring the view. As I have mentioned before that I simply enjoy watching all the other photographer line up, as their passion and determination is what inspires me the most.

It was the funniest thing ever, as a Frenchman came and sat down next to me, and started chatting in a very heavy English accent. We talked about the fashion show, and he noticed that I was looking at the photographersHe then said the funniest thing I had heard in a while. He went “you know the bigger the size of their lens, the bigger their ego is” and kept chatting about how you can tell what a photographers is like, and what the size of their ego is according to the lens.

[pullquote] As I assure my readers that the size of my camera lens is determined by the shoot I am about to take part in, and not just to show how huge my man ego is. [/pullquote]

He then even named a few that he knew, and told me they had just bought these huge lenses to show how egoistic they are. The chat continued for a while, and then he just left. And since that day the comment has been circling in my head.  Each time I am about to change the lens on my camera I automatically smile as I am taken back to that moment. And I tell myself, well David it seems like your ego is growing, time to put it to some good use.

Producing Video For Microsoft Transformation Of DTLA NOKIA Center As MS Logo Installed Behind Scene Orange County Los Angeles Fashion Photographer

But honestly, do people really feel this way? That if I walk in to cover something and I am carrying a camera with a huge lens, would people talk about how it determines the size of my ego?  Or is that just the opinion of one man, who was in a chatty mood. Either way, it’s something that should be considered. As I assure my readers that the size of my camera lens is determined by the shoot I am about to take part in, and not just to show how huge my man ego is.

I am not saying having an ego is a bad thing, I am saying that it is weird to point out such a thing. As I do not feel that anyone of my colleagues buy huge lenses to show off the size of their ego.

Yes, there are photographers who are egoistic, but I feel it helps them in the business they are in. As the competition level is so high, that if you do not believe in yourself no ones else will. So ego to a level is necessary to work in this business, but ego to a level that blinds you will destroy your career. As there is a fine line between being good, and simply praising yourself for no good reason.