Los Angeles 310-988-6575
Orange County 949-873-4551
Fashion Photographer LA
David Victory


26 08, 2017

The G – Google For Professional Fashion Photographers

By |2022-02-03T02:32:19-08:00August 26th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Recently I heard that "Blogging is dead", especially for fashion photographers. However, the fact remains that Google is still on the side of bloggers that are here to offer great content. There is no way a single image can get more traffic than a quality blog post paired with stunning and relevant images.  Yes, [...]

8 08, 2017

Decade Model – Female Models Careers From 15 to 25

By |2022-04-09T13:44:54-07:00August 8th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Female Models Careers From 15 to 25 It is a famous myth that a female model's career only lasts for a decade. As she can stretch the period, but the peak of her career starts from age 15 and ends at age 25. It is said that that is the time period during which [...]

5 08, 2017

Instagram and Imaginary Kingdoms – The Era of Imaginary Photographers

By |2024-01-20T11:06:33-08:00August 5th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Today, Instagram is the hot spot for images and videos, as it has allowed numerous amateur photographers to create an imaginary kingdom. Yes, they have hundreds and thousands of followers from all around the world, who just love photography.  But in the end, how does it benefit them? There is no doubt that they [...]

28 07, 2017

Iceburg – How to Break the Model’s Ice and Have a Hot Shoot

By |2023-10-28T11:22:50-07:00July 28th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

I cannot stress on just how important it is to make your model comfortable before a shoot, as there is no way you will be able to take hot or any kind of images with real emotions of feelings, if you do not make them feel comfortable. Some photographers get agitated, and say it's [...]

24 07, 2017

A Look at the Book – How Lookbooks Show Off Your Photography Skills

By |2022-02-03T03:58:34-08:00July 24th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

For those of you who are not familiar with lookbook photography, it is basically a collection of photographs that are compiled together to show off a photographic style, model, clothing, or stylist. A lookbook is a great way to showcase any one of those, but the only one who gains the most out of [...]

17 07, 2017

The Luxurious Life of a Fashion Photographer – A Great Insight

By |2022-04-09T15:06:48-07:00July 17th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

The Luxurious Life of a Fashion Photographer A luxurious life is not something many are born into, but there are some of us who work hard and make it to the top. And then there are some who just people assume are living a life full of luxuries. I for one am that person. [...]

16 07, 2017

Importance of Color Coordination when Shooting – Fashion Photography

By |2022-09-03T12:24:52-07:00July 16th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Importance of Color Coordination when Shooting There is nothing more important than a coordinated shoot, and no I am not just referring to the coordination of the human body. Here I am referring to color coordination, and its importance in fashion photography. It is so easy to take colors for granted, especially because we [...]

6 07, 2017

Ecommerce Platforms – Increasing Demand For Fashion Photography

By |2022-04-09T15:25:14-07:00July 6th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Ecommerce Platforms - Increasing Demand Today, we live in a world where technology is growing so rapidly, that at times it is hard for me to believe. There was a time when it took days to get a simple message across the state lines, and now that is possible in a second. The development [...]

21 06, 2017

Image Noise Reduction By Lightroom – Fashion Photographer’s Insight

By |2023-10-28T11:42:46-07:00June 21st, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Image Noise Reduction By Lightroom Image Noise reduction starts with the correct ISO setting, you want to know your camera sensor’s “native” ISO, this is before any post-amplification occurs. Whenever I capture any image with a high IOS setting, I know I will have to deal with some noise in my photos. There are [...]

19 06, 2017

About Image Noise – Image Quality Matters

By |2022-09-03T12:33:56-07:00June 19th, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

About Image Noise Image noise is externally important in my business, as a professional fashion photographer my images have to be on point, expressive, and noise free. As most fashion shows are at night and most shoots are indoors, I have to adjust the light accordingly. There is a [...]

Fashion Photographer Los Angeles & Orange County Video Production

Starting in 2024! David Victory One Of The Top Fashion photographers in Los Angeles | Worldwide Dropship Your Clothing, Apparel & Fashion to our Studios for Fashion Photography in Los Angeles.

Check out the LA Fashion Photography Gallery and Contact us With Your Orders for Fashion, Product, Ecommerce, Lookbook, Advertising, Modeling, Portfolio, Advertising Campaigns, Editorial and Lifestyle Photography in LA & OC.

VRset Marketing Video Production

Los Angeles & Orange County Marketing Video Production, VRset Produces Fashion Marketing Videos and Professional Photography for Clients in OC, LA and Worldwide.

Consultation with first time clients is free, and we can meet you personally in Orange County and Los Angeles.

Your marketing video will be produced with the same expertise and equipment we use for top brands such as Microsoft