Recently I heard that “Blogging is dead”, especially for fashion photographers. However, the fact remains that Google is still on the side of bloggers that are here to offer great content. There is no way a single image can get more traffic than a quality blog post paired with stunning and relevant images.  Yes, a single image can tell a story, but a search engine does not think or see things the same way we do. As we make our decisions based on what we see and read, whereas search engines such as Google make decisions based on a completely different range. As they are designed to take in various aspects, then make a decision based on the information they have at hand.

Today, Google is the leading search engine that processes more than 40’000 searches per second, and when you search the term “Fashion Photography” you will get 129,000,000 results. Point being, if blogging for fashion photography was dead, then the number of results would have been considerably low. Proving that Fashion Photography is alive and well on Google. In addition, no matter where you look you will see a sign of fashion photography online.

[pullquote]The thing is it is not a secret, and at the end of the day the professional fashion photographer that offer better images will be standing tall no matter how many well-written posts anyone else gets over you. [/pullquote]

For instance, you are scrolling down on Amazon you are bound to come across a listing that was shot by a fashion photographer. And a number of fashion photographs on Social Media is growing by the second. The misconception starts because most people are unaware of how much fashion photographers cover. There is a great chunk of humans that believe that fashion photographers simply cover fashion shows, and that is it. I would like to take a moment to clarify that professional fashion photographers such as myself, cover a great deal more than fashion shows.

So if you are a fashion photographer and looking to make a name for yourself, I suggest you take on blogging. As that is the only way you will be able to grab the viewers and Google’s attention. Some people might be wondering why I am sharing this “secret”. The thing is it is not a secret, and at the end of the day the professional fashion photographer that offer better images will be standing tall no matter how many well-written posts anyone else gets over you. Remember, that you are a fashion photographer and in the end, it will be your images that will do the talking.

However, that does not mean you can post anything. Keep in mind that Google will only credit your website if you are offering authentic, fresh, and high-quality content that is related to your niche. So what are you waiting for? Set an ideal in your head, and start blogging. If you are looking to get inspired then you will find many fashion photography related blogs that will help you get enough ideas to get yourself started.