Los Angeles 310-988-6575
Orange County 949-873-4551
Fashion Photographer LA
David Victory

Los Angeles

12 07, 2017

Faking it – Retouching Imperfections or Remaking the Image

By |2024-01-20T11:06:01-08:00July 12th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Retouching Imperfections or Remaking the Image One of the most common notions about fashion photographs is that they go through a heavy retouching process. Retouching imperfections is not as far fetched as it seems, and yes it does exist. And yes, many photographers take refuge under it. There are two mindsets. One that nothing [...]

3 07, 2017

Beauty is in the Brain of the Beholder – How Beauty Standards Are Programed Into Our Heads

By |2023-12-27T12:33:25-08:00July 3rd, 2017|Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles|

How Beauty Standards Are Programed Into Our Heads They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I believe it goes much further than that. There are two kinds of people, who have two different mindsets. One are those who have an open mind towards beauty, these are they people who are [...]

29 06, 2017

Creative Differences – Eyes of The Beholder – Fashion Photographer vs Client

By |2022-08-27T09:22:52-07:00June 29th, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Creative Differences - Fashion Photographer vs Client Creative differences are quite common in my line of work. As there are times when the clients is explaining something and my imagination starts running wildly in one direction, while his/hers is on a completely different track. There have been times when creative differences were so strong [...]

28 06, 2017

Success Comes For Being Yourself – How Fashion Photographer’s Struggle

By |2022-04-14T12:16:24-07:00June 28th, 2017|Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Success Comes For Being Yourself I have been working as a professional fashion photographer for some time now, but it was not always this way. There was a time when like some of you, I was just starting out my career. At that point in life I had just one goal, and that was [...]

24 06, 2017

Blind Date – Shooting Without Auditions

By |2022-04-14T12:24:48-07:00June 24th, 2017|Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Blind Date – Shooting Shooting without auditions feels like a blind date, as the ice still has to be broken. It’s a great mystery, and keeps you on your toes. I have been working as a professional fashion photographer for a long time now, and where many people think simply getting a “good looking” [...]

23 06, 2017

Picking a DSLR According to User – Fashion Photographer’s Take 2

By |2022-04-14T12:26:45-07:00June 23rd, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County, Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles|

Picking a DSLR According to User – Fashion Photographer Yesterday, we talked about DSLR Camera Guide - Fashion Photographers Take, where we talked about how picking a DSLR keeping in mind your photography skills is crucial. It got me thinking, that while there is enough logical reasoning in picking a camera completely based on [...]

22 06, 2017

DSLR Camera Guide – Fashion Photographers Take

By |2022-08-27T11:36:58-07:00June 22nd, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

DSLR Camera Guide – Fashion Photographers I remember the exact moment I bought my first DSLR camera, I was over the moon and so excited to get started. Over the years I have the same level of energy in many individuals, but unfortunately, the range of DSLR camera is [...]

20 06, 2017

Image Processing – The Secret Behind Quality Images

By |2022-09-03T12:24:01-07:00June 20th, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Image Processing I have worked in the profession for a long time now, and through my years as a professional photographer I have learned a lot. One of the most important things I have learnt is the importance of image processing. As technology advances we see various changes in the working of cameras, both [...]

19 06, 2017

About Image Noise – Image Quality Matters

By |2022-09-03T12:33:56-07:00June 19th, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

About Image Noise Image noise is externally important in my business, as a professional fashion photographer my images have to be on point, expressive, and noise free. As most fashion shows are at night and most shoots are indoors, I have to adjust the light accordingly. There is a [...]

18 06, 2017

Camera 101 – Easy Guide to Mega Pixels Requirements

By |2022-02-03T12:12:40-08:00June 18th, 2017|Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Nowadays, every few months there is a new camera in the market that offers you more mega pixels than the last one did, and I see so many amateur photographers jumping on board to buy these cameras. The reason is that the concept of "mega pixels" has been highlighted so [...]

Fashion Photographer Los Angeles & Orange County Video Production

Starting in 2024! David Victory One Of The Top Fashion photographers in Los Angeles | Worldwide Dropship Your Clothing, Apparel & Fashion to our Studios for Fashion Photography in Los Angeles.

Check out the LA Fashion Photography Gallery and Contact us With Your Orders for Fashion, Product, Ecommerce, Lookbook, Advertising, Modeling, Portfolio, Advertising Campaigns, Editorial and Lifestyle Photography in LA & OC.

VRset Marketing Video Production

Los Angeles & Orange County Marketing Video Production, VRset Produces Fashion Marketing Videos and Professional Photography for Clients in OC, LA and Worldwide.

Consultation with first time clients is free, and we can meet you personally in Orange County and Los Angeles.

Your marketing video will be produced with the same expertise and equipment we use for top brands such as Microsoft