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David Victory

Monthly Archives: July 2014

7 07, 2014

Funny Commercial Sells

By |2022-08-28T12:53:42-07:00July 7th, 2014|Corporate Video Production Companies in Orange County and Los Angeles|

Watch Funny Commercial Funny Commercial Sells Why is that? I have been thinking about this one for a while and its deeper than it seems…. It goes back to our insecurities as children, who does the child approach at a family gathering? the serious guy or the funny guy? of course the funny guy [...]

5 07, 2014

Which is Best Photographer or PHOTOGRAPHIST ?

By |2022-02-03T13:28:41-08:00July 5th, 2014|Modeling Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

Since Dektol in Darkroom has turned to software in Lightroom, I have become a PHOTOGRAPHIST. Time to coin a word for it, for lack of any other phrase shorter than my blog here. Yes after years of clicking the titanium curtain shutter, now I click the enter button on a tethered laptop. I have [...]

2 07, 2014

Be Yourself, Others Are Taken

By |2022-02-01T07:36:39-08:00July 2nd, 2014|Modeling Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles|

I often have to select talent for various projects that VRset produces, and unless I am specifically searching for a look-alike I always look for personality in the talent submissions, whether video submissions or portfolios or simple headshots. And that is key in picking up parts for a model or actor, you have to [...]

1 07, 2014

Hybrid Headshot Photography

By |2022-09-03T12:19:40-07:00July 1st, 2014|Modeling Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Photographers in Orange County and Los Angeles, Professional Fashion Photographer Los Angeles Orange County|

What is a standard hybrid headshot photography? is it not a mug shot which every other actor and model has also? and why? I don't agree with the industry standard headshot, don't like it and and never did. Perhaps because I personally do not fit in any size box and make my own boxes [...]