Video Production is not a recent concept in the fashion industry, however, only recently businesses have started to understand the true importance and significance they have.  In my opinion, they offer a great way to communicate with potential customers and clients, feature a new product or service, advertise your brand, and so much more. In today’s growing industry they are critical steps in maintaining your company’s legacy, as they help you create a persona.

Recently I read a case study that suggested that videos are a great learning experience. As they have the ability to give out all the information you need in a short time frame. The study showed that most individuals tend to remember twenty percent of what they have seen and only ten percent of what they have heard. However, they remember more than fifty percent of what they hear and see at the same time, which is the major advantage for the seller. As it allows them to send a message that lasts and helps create a sense of what the brand is all about. Allowing your viewers to see and hear about fashion is enough to draw them in the magical world.

It does not matter if you are an online fashion store, or an offline brand, you need something that would help you stand out. Which is why as a professional from the industry, I feel that going with a video production would be the best way to draw in customers. With competition growing by the second, now is the perfect time to show that you are well aware of the market trends and demands. To help you understand the matter better, I have listed down a few reasons that will help you see and understand the importance of video production:

Versatile – Videos are versatile, and can easily be shared on various platforms to gain more attention.

Promotion – With the help of a video you can promote your brand and your product at the same time.

Mix it up – There are a few different types of videos that you can use for your business to keep things mixed up.

Market – You can share more about your company, and yourself with the help of videos.

Insight – Video is a great way to share a complete experience, as you can show content and explain at the same time.

[pullquote] Video is a great way to share a complete experience, as you can show content and explain at the same time.[/pullquote]

These are the key reasons why every fashion business in the world should be looking into video production. As it will help you they achieve so much more. It does not matter what the size of your business is, what matters is your mind frame. With an online or offline business, the mindset you create is important. As it helps your audience see what kind of brand you are, if you keep marketing yourself as a small brand, that is all that you will be. So start to think big, and you will be able to make a small mark in the vast fashion industry.