Los Angeles 310-988-6575
Orange County 949-873-4551
Fashion Photographer LA
David Victory

Monthly Archives: October 2017

10 10, 2017

The Diana – My First Plastic Camera and all The Other Cameras to Follow

By |2022-01-31T03:45:28-08:00October 10th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

The Diana is a plastic camera with a boxed shape, that uses a 120 roll film, and a 35mm film. It is paired with a simple plastic lens and was once seen as a novelty item. This inexpensive camera was mostly used to take soft focus photographs. The reason why I know so much [...]

9 10, 2017

How many are Too Many? – How Many Shots During One Session

By |2022-01-31T03:40:14-08:00October 9th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

When you are working as a professional fashion photographer, it is not easy to determine that how many shots should you take during one session. As it depends on numerous factors, and each factor needs to be weighed in properly. Which is why I keep the general frame of mind. This allows me to [...]

8 10, 2017

How the Fashion Industry Makes An Impact on the US Economy

By |2024-02-08T21:29:51-08:00October 8th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Fashion Industry Makes An Impact on the US Economy ? There is no doubt that the fashion industry is huge, but many are unaware of how huge it really is as they are unable to see the complete image. A joint US Economic Committee stated this year that the fashion industry is a multi-trillion [...]

7 10, 2017

Rolling The Dice Saying Yes To Cheap – When An Opportunity Knocks as Cheap Job Offers

By |2022-01-31T03:33:30-08:00October 7th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

You never know when an opportunity comes knocking on your door, as it can be disguised as a cheap job. There is nothing more any professional fashion photographer hates, more than a cheap job offer. However, there are a few cheap job offers that can pan out of the perfect opportunity. Which is why [...]

6 10, 2017

The 20% Savior – Spending 20% of Your Wages on Marketing Your Business

By |2022-01-31T03:30:07-08:00October 6th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

When it comes to marketing yourself many of us fall short, and we do not see the importance. However, when you get into the detail of the matter you will realize how crucial marketing is to your business. As a professional fashion photographer, if I stop spending on marketing, I won't be able to [...]

5 10, 2017

To Click or Not to Click – Building Rapport With The Models

By |2022-04-09T12:31:11-07:00October 5th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Building Rapport With The Models It is human nature to be more comfortable around people you understand, and that understand you. As it allows you the ability to build a common ground, that helps in building a relationship. When working with new models I always take out time and build a rapport, as it [...]

4 10, 2017

X-Rays and Retouching – Both are Overnighted to India

By |2024-02-08T21:29:52-08:00October 4th, 2017|Fashion Photographers in Los Angeles|

X-Rays and Retouching – Overnighted to India Today, most overnight retouching jobs are sent to India, as they are offering endless services at cheap prices. The demand to get these retouching done in no time has only increased over time, as more and more photographers are looking to save time when it comes to [...]

3 10, 2017

We are all Foreigners – Fashion Photographers and Models From Overseas

By |2022-04-09T12:48:17-07:00October 3rd, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

We are all Foreigners –Fashion Photographers and Models Come to think of it we are all foreigners here in the USA, so why do we give such a hard time to overseas models and fashion photographers. The beauty of America is that it offers a dream to the world, a dream where they can [...]

2 10, 2017

Why Fashion – Why Would I Rather Be a Fashion Photographer Above All?

By |2024-02-08T21:29:53-08:00October 2nd, 2017|Fashion Photographers in Los Angeles|

Why Fashion There is no other industry in the market that runs on endless passion, and talent of fashion photographers. An industry that understands hope and dreams, and sees them through. I have been asked nearly a hundred times that “why fashion”. And my answer has been simple each time; Because fashion photography is [...]

1 10, 2017

Why Quality Matters – Fashion Photography 101

By |2022-01-31T11:07:43-08:00October 1st, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

  When it comes to the fashion industry, there is no detail that is too small. Or something that could be overlooked. Which is why the only thing you need to understand is that quality matters. Especially if you are looking to stay in the industry. Most newcomers do not [...]