Los Angeles 310-988-6575
Orange County 949-873-4551
Fashion Photographer LA
David Victory


20 08, 2017

Just Do It – When Thinking Too Much Works Against You

By |2022-02-03T02:42:44-08:00August 20th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Working as a professional fashion photographer is not something you just fall into accidentally. It is a career you have to start building on early on in life. As once you get through photography school you must have enough under your belt to help you get started.  However, one main aspect they fail to [...]

18 08, 2017

Shabby Photographer – Why Fashion Photographers Dress in Black?

By |2022-01-29T04:19:20-08:00August 18th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

There are times when people ask me why dress shabby, and why I do not wear more fashionable clothes, as I am a professional fashion. I mostly tell that it's because I am more comfortable wearing neutral colors, which is true. But the thing is, I love covering fashion, and not wearing it. It [...]

16 08, 2017

Supremacy – The Successful Life of A Professional Fashion Photographer

By |2022-02-03T02:48:38-08:00August 16th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

When you become famous, you start thinking about supremacy, and how what you have makes you supreme or better than everyone else. However, I have tried to keep myself distant from such thoughts. It is not easy being a successful professional fashion photographer, but every second and moment has been worth it.  However, I [...]

14 08, 2017

Why Behind The Scene Shots Are Essential

By |2024-12-03T11:27:13-08:00August 14th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Behind the scene, photography is an essential part of my process, as I feel I they give me a chance to show off my process. In addition, they let me keep a memory from each photo shoot. I adapted this tradition early on, and soon it became a routine. Where I would set up [...]

6 08, 2017

When Shooting With Two Models – One Plus One Equals?

By |2022-05-15T00:49:27-07:00August 6th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Shooting with two models is one the most challenging experience for a new fashion photographers. As they are models, and it is in their nature to shine in any image they are a part of. So what really does happen when you use two models in the same shoot?  Well, for starters, they want [...]

1 08, 2017

Shopify is Creating High Demand For Fashion Photography

By |2022-08-27T06:49:22-07:00August 1st, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Shopify is currently the world's largest retail platform that allows users to create a store and sell their goods online. These goods are sold all around the world, and most of them are fashion items.  As the demand for fashion clothing and accessories is increasing every second. As soon as a fashion statement hits [...]

29 07, 2017

Find What You Love and You Will Never Work a Day in Your Life – Following Your Dream

By |2022-04-09T13:52:21-07:00July 29th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Find What You Love and Following Your Dream They say find what you love, and you will never have to work for a single day in your life. But most people feel that is easy to say for people who have already found what they love, and are living the life. Yes, I too [...]

26 07, 2017

Fake it till You Make it – Losers, Winners and Pretenders – Photographers

By |2022-04-09T13:56:49-07:00July 26th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Winners and Pretenders – Photographers In my humble opinion, if feel there are too many photographers today. Everyone holding a DSLR feels like the have are a photographer. Sadly, the cost of their camera is not what determines their skills. It's how you utilized the device that determines your worth as a photographer. Today, [...]

25 07, 2017

Size of the Lens – Measures The Size of The Ego – Fashion Photographer

By |2022-02-03T03:54:05-08:00July 25th, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Someone once told me that the size of the lens the fashion photographer is using determines the size of their ego. Yes, that person had no clue that I was a fashion photographer, and was just sitting and admiring the view. As I have mentioned before that I simply enjoy watching all the other [...]

22 07, 2017

Artistic License – How Fashion Photography Allows You To Blaze Your Path

By |2022-08-25T10:21:59-07:00July 22nd, 2017|Los Angeles Fashion Photographer|

Artistic License In my personal opinion as a professional fashion photography, our industry allows fashion photographers complete artistic license. But only at their own expenses. Yes, there are times when a client's asked you to take the artistic lead, but the same client will not so silent voice our their concerns. Which is why [...]

Fashion Photographer Los Angeles & Orange County Video Production

Starting in 2024! David Victory One Of The Top Fashion photographers in Los Angeles | Worldwide Dropship Your Clothing, Apparel & Fashion to our Studios for Fashion Photography in Los Angeles.

Check out the LA Fashion Photography Gallery and Contact us With Your Orders for Fashion, Product, Ecommerce, Lookbook, Advertising, Modeling, Portfolio, Advertising Campaigns, Editorial and Lifestyle Photography in LA & OC.

VRset Marketing Video Production

Los Angeles & Orange County Marketing Video Production, VRset Produces Fashion Marketing Videos and Professional Photography for Clients in OC, LA and Worldwide.

Consultation with first time clients is free, and we can meet you personally in Orange County and Los Angeles.

Your marketing video will be produced with the same expertise and equipment we use for top brands such as Microsoft